Military OneSource WHAT IS MILITARY ONESOURCE? Military OneSource is a 24-hour, 7-days-a-week, toll-free information and referral telephone service available worldwide to active duty, Reserve, and National Guard military members and their families; and to deployed civilians and their families. Military OneSource provides information ranging from everyday concerns to deployment-related issues. Also, if there is a need for face-to-face counseling, Military OneSource can provide a referral for six sessions per issue to professional civilian counselors at no cost to the service member or family member (please note in-person counseling is only available in the United States and Puerto Rico). Overseas, Military OneSource can help access the existing services provided through the Medical Treatment Facilities. In addition, Military OneSource offers a web site at for information on a variety of topics and issues. Users may also use the web site to order educational materials (booklets, CDs, etc.) at no charge and access consultants on-line on a 24/7 basis. FOR WHAT TYPES OF ISSUES CAN I CONTACT MILITARY ONESOURCE? Military OneSource can provide help with parenting and child care, education, relocation, financial and legal concerns, everyday issues (finding services in a local community, consumer issues), emotional well-being, health and fitness, addiction and recovery, adult or child special needs, military life (pre/post deployment, reunion, etc.), work concerns, crisis support, elder care, TRICARE, and much more. The service provides "warm transfers" to appropriate resources and a variety of prepaid materials on these topics. WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO USE MILITARY ONESOURCE? All active duty, Reserve, and National Guard service members and their families are eligible. Reserve and National Guard service members and their families are eligible regardless of their active status in the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. All Department of Defense civilians and their family members deployed overseas may use the service while deployed and for up to six months upon return. HOW DO I ACCESS MILITARY ONESOURCE BY TELEPHONE? You can use the following telephone numbers: - From the United States: 1-800-342-9647 - Outside the United States: (country access code) 800-3429-6477 (dial all 11 numbers) (Select the applicable country access code) - Or call collect from outside the United States: 484-530-5947 (Instructions for using the collect call number) - TTY/TTD: 800-346-9188 - En espanol, llame al 877-989-5392