Maj. Gen. Tim Reisch speaks to junior enlisted members

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – Maj. Gen. Tim A. Reisch, The Adjutant General for the South Dakota National Guard, speaks to junior enlisted members of the South Dakota Air National Guard May 5 at Joe Foss Field, S.D. Maj. Gen. Reisch gave advice and answered questions from the approximately 100 service members in attendance. He commended the service members for enlisting in a time of war and talked about the future of the National Guard. His message for members was to concentrate on aspects of their career they can control and to always be mindful of the future. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Trisha Smeenk/Released)

PHOTO BY: Staff Sgt. Trisha SmeenkReleased
VIRIN: 130504-Z-AQ898-002.JPG
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