South Dakota Civil Support Team trains with first responders

Survey team members Sgt. Kelley Trebesch and Spc. Patrick Moran, 82nd Civil Support Team (WMD), deploy AreaRAE Steel monitors which provide real-time wireless measurements for a range of potential threats at the exercise incident site in Sioux Falls, S.D., March 19, 2015. The 82nd CST primarily uses the AreaRAE to monitor Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) to see if the air could be a flammable environment, Carbon monoxide (CO), Oxygen (O2) to make sure the air can sustain life, and gamma radiation.(National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Luke Olson/Released)

PHOTO BY: Staff Sgt. Luke OlsonReleased
VIRIN: 150319-Z-LQ671-033.JPG
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