• On-The-Job Training During UEI

    Though amidst a Unit Effectiveness Inspection, 114th Fighter Wing crew chiefs continue their routine training. Master Sgt. Scott Meyer oversaw Airman 1st Class Trevor Sik change the tire on an F-16 during Sik’s on-the-job training at Joe Foss Field.

  • South Dakota National Guard members compete in marksmanship competition

    80 members of the South Dakota National Guard tested their marksmanship skills in a competition May 18-20, 2018 at Camp Rapid, S.D.The State Command Sergeant Major’s Outdoor Match was designed to identify the best combat marksmen in the state, with the top 20 percent of shooters earning the

  • 114th Fighter Wing Airman excels in marksmanship

    A simple invitation from a family member turned into great accomplishments and a strong passion for one Airman of the 114th Fighter Wing.Staff Sgt. Adam Witte, 114th Maintenance Squadron electronic countermeasures technician, enlisted in the South Dakota Air National Guard in August 2006. His uncle,

  • Spring motorcycle safety practiced

    The 114th Fighter Wing Safety Office recently held their annual motorcycle training and mentorship ride for members of the unit at Joe Foss Field, S.D.Members of the South Dakota Air National Guard who own and ride a motorcycle on base are required to take the annual refresher training. In addition,

  • Victim Advocates host guest speaker

    The 114th Fighter Wing Victim Advocates hosted Francesca “Checka” Leinwall, Northern State University associate vice president for student affairs, to speak about the Title IX program on May 5, 2018, Sioux Falls, S.D.

  • Night Flying Career Day A Success

    The 114th Fighter Wing hosted a Night Flying Career Day at Joe Foss Field, S.D. on April 17, 2018.Career Day allows high school students, parents, and potential recruits to learn about the different career fields Airmen of the 114th Fighter Wing perform on a daily basis.

  • S.D. National Guard celebrates the Month of the Military Child

    The South Dakota National Guard Child and Youth Program held a Princess and Super Hero Day Camp April 7, 2018, at the National Guard Armory, Sioux Falls, S.D. The event is part of celebrations for the Month of the Military Child.The Month of the Military Child is celebrated annually in April to

  • 114th Fighter Wing welcomes home Airmen

    A welcome home ceremony was held at Joe Foss Field March 4, 2018 to recognize the Airmen of the 114th Fighter Wing who deployed as part of a Reserve Component Period (RCP) deployment over the past 10 months.

  • Grenades detonated as part of Security Forces training

    114th Security Forces Squadron members performed explosive ordinance disposal (EOD) and grenade recertification training at a range near Joe Foss Field, S.D. Feb. 3, 2018. Members from the 119th Civil Engineer Squadron from Fargo, N.D. led the training.EOD and grenade recertification and training is

  • Digital eyepiece increases capabilities of F-16 pilots

    Pilots with the 114th Fighter Wing tested out a new digital eyepiece (DEP) add-on system during a recent deployment Jan. 4-19. The device transforms their existing helmet-mounted displays (HMD) and night-vision goggles (NVG) into “smart helmets”, effective in night flying.